♪♫♪ Count your blessings, name them one by one, Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done. ♪♫♪

Sunday, August 28, 2011

No Church - Who could've guessed

 No church for the family today and that was hard for me - second week in a row we are missing church BUT we felt it was best for Moriah.
Unfortunately we did not get to sleep in long but that was ok - I had alot I was hoping to get accomplished.
 Justin got up and made coffee and had just brought me a cup when the phone rang - Justin got called out to work - if we had been in church he would not have been available - but I guess that's what he gets for skipping. Thankfully he gets paid by the hour and Thankfully he was not gone for a Very long time.
 I took the time he was gone to decide what BIG jobs I wanted to tackle for the day - while I was doing this I was listening to my little boys fighting and tackling each other. I seriously at one point had to tell Jedidiah to stop licking his brother's leg - Yup that was how the day was going.
 Moriah is still short of breath so I was having her take it easy and rest.
Not long before Justin got home I was snuggling Malachi and then I noticed it - the thing that changed the Whole day for me.
Malachi has had a diaper rash now for a couple weeks that will NOT go away - I have tried BagBalm and other diaper rash creams and NOTHING has cleared it up and some days it is really bad. Well Yesterday I noticed some spots around his mouth and thought hmm I wonder what those are - but nothing more then that.
 As I was snuggling him I noticed the spots even more around his face and covering both hands and his feet and his legs - Now I started getting worried.
After Justin got home I bathed Malachi and took him next door to have my parents check out the rash and they had NO clue what it was .
 Well I had to go get Moriah's antibiotic so Mom watched the three older kids and Justin and I took Malachi to the ER - My second trip this week - all in less then twenty four hours.
We got there and the rash was spreading even more.
Diagnosis - Impetigo .. seriously all I heard the dr keep saying was - Highly Contagious
I have a feeling the church goers are HAPPY we stayed home.
 Now I remember how Blessed I am during my Boring Weeks when NOTHING happens.
I am SO tired again but Tomorrow I will write about all the great things I am getting ready for the school year ☺
Good Night
♥ Carrie*Lynne ♥ Isaiah 41:10 ♥

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Friday and Saturday are brought to you by the letter P

Well I did not write yesterday but it was a rough day for me.
I did not wake up before the kids and when I did wake up (at 9) my back hurt so Bad. I managed to get some things accomplished but I hurt.
Yesterday Jedidiah came in and said one of the cutest Faith Statements I have ever heard ♥
The kids were playing inside and Jedidiah came in and came to find me holding a Very Tiny pebble in his hand
" Look Mama I found a Piggy , Look it's a Piggy ! " kinda confused I answered him " That's a Piggy ?? " And he said in almost a whisper " Yeah God CAN make it a piggy " ☺ it was soooo sweet ♥
  Today was Saturday which means sleep in day with Justin being home. Moriah came in looking all ill telling me her breathing was really bad. The poor girl was diagnosed with bronchitis 10 days ago and put on a nebulizer. We had some shopping to go do so I called my Mom and she said Moriah could go over and be with her while we left and did our thing and then she could get her treatments.
Moriah went to my Mom's and we went shopping. I bought some more school odds and ends and we bought us as a family a blu-ray player for streaming movies and then we can put the Wii up for now and that settles the game battles with Gabriel. ☺
 Well I called Mom only to find out Moriah is getting worse so we head back home to get her.
I picked her up and the poor girl sounded like a squeaky toy her breathing was so wheezy so I took her to the ER. Turns out her Bronchitis has now turned into Pneumonia and they also gave her an inhaler.
So needless to say it was a very long evening and I am ready for bed.
PLAIN ole tired
I do think we are staying home from Church tomorrow so Moriah can get some rest.
Good Night
♥ Carrie*Lynne ♥ Isaiah 41:10 ♥

Friday, August 26, 2011

I awoke before the kids and solutions

*ugh again posting a day late*
I did it I woke up at 7:30 and heard the house was still quiet ☺ I got showered and dressed and enjoyed a cup of coffee before any of them woke up ☺
I actually accomplished A LOT and was feeling really good about myself  ☺
After noon though Gabriel started having anger issues - it seriously wears me right out - But I think I may have found one solution for one of his issues and God has lately Blessed us with a little bit of extra money from some sales I was able to make ☺ It is hard thinking I am using the money for a electronic device when I had hoped to get a new pair of boots or dress shoes BUT I know those are not a necessity and they will be provided when they are actually needed ♥
I had planned ahead on dinner last night and had put Chili on the stove on a low simmer early in the morning so by evening I had nice Hot Chili all ready to eat ☺ Moriah helped dump the hamburger that I had precooked into the pot and was happy to tell everyone she helped me cook dinner ☺ Justin did not work as late as he has been this week so he was able to eat dinner with us ( it was at 7 pm But it was all together )
 Some days I find it hard to Count many blessings BUT I am so Blessed to have a kind and Loving Husband who comes home and is there for me ♥
♥ Carrie*Lynne ♥ Isaiah 41:10 ♥

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Potato Chips and Ipods and No Rhythm

 I wrote this all up last night and pushed Publish at the same time as my Internet went out - so this is my post for yesterday ☺
Today I attempted and succeeded at the unheard of for me - I awoke before the Children ☺
 By 8 am I was showered and dressed and getting ready to go out and enjoy a cup of coffee before the kids
started appearing when there was a knock on my bedroom door ... Yup the kids were up and ready for the day.
I am trying to convince myself that tomorrow I should try to wake up even earlier - I am starting to think something is seriously wrong with me. ☺
 Potato chips - a rare treat around the house but I specifically bought them this week for double purpose this week - for a side for the Sloppy Joes and to top the Tuna casserole with. I bought a special kind to give " great flavor " to the casserole - Parmesan & Garlic ☺ and then I bought plain chips also - a lil side note I love plain chips ♥ - those were for this weekend. Anyways - Yesterday was Sloppy Joe night so we opened the " great flavor " chips and enjoyed them immensely and proceeded to leave them on the kitchen table.
 This morning as I was pouring my cup of coffee with all the kids present , my littlest Blessing AKA Malachi decided that Chips were his choice of a Great Breakfast and proceeded to Dump the Bag of them on the floor - Good Bye " great flavor " chips for the casserole. ( good thing I bought the extra bag of chips )
 Potato chips are the same as fried Potatoes Right ???
I was telling Gabriel what happened and I said the little boys dumped the chips - Poor Jedidiah decided to set the story straight " It was not Me's Mama it was Malachi .. Not Me's " - my poor little victim - another side note Jedidiah is usually to blame ☺
I am attempting to tackle things I have been procrastinating on for Far Too Long so today I was in the Proper Cleaning attire - Overalls and a Bandana tied around my hair - even if I got Nothing done I still looked like I was on a Mission ☺
 I decided to put my Ipod on shuffle to help encourage me (and to drown out the sound of whining and fighting ) and let me tell you My Ipod on shuffle is FUNNY ☺  It would play a nice Mellow worship song and then switch to a Broadway song to a Veggie tale song only to be followed by Loud Christian Rock all rounded out by some Country tunes ☺ it all kept me moving ☺
Justin worked late so he missed the casserole made with "plain" chips which also means he missed the whole Eat Your Dinner or Go To Bed battle with Jedidiah - probably good on Jedidiah's behalf because if Justin had been home he really would have been in bed.  I did finally get him to eat three bites but he had No Interest in eating. Thankfully the older kids each had thirds and Malachi had seconds so I knew it wasn't my cooking ☺
 ** Way off subject ** My niece wrote and told me about a Musical she heard that was having Auditions and she knew I had the soundtrack memorized - Oh how I wish I did not live an hour away from the location .. sigh ..  But then again I have NO Rhythm and Cannot dance so I probably would not have gotten far .. But One can dream ♥
Well my ambitious morning is catching up with me .. Wish me luck for Tomorrow Morning ☺
♥ Carrie*Lynne ♥ Isaiah 41:10♥